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  • mumok Ticket
  • Regular
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €
Due to renovation work, not all exhibition levels are accessible. Detailed information on the current exhibitions and admission prices can be found here.

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

March 2023 to October 2024

muco community

muco community

mumok participatory learning community for digital skills

In March 2023, we launched the muco community, our participatory learning community for digital skills. It is an exciting and pioneering two-year project in cooperation with various Viennese schools and funded by Digifonds – Digitalisierungsfonds Arbeit 4.0 of the Vienna Chamber of Labour. It focuses on creative learning and digital education to empower children and young people for the future.

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zentral ein großer Bildschirm, der eine bunte Grafik mit zwei Figuren zeigt. Rechts steht ein junger Mann mit Bart und zeigt auf den Bildschirm, links steht eine lächelnde junge Frau

© digitalwerk GmbH

auf einem Tisch stehen zwei Laptops, man sieht von links zwei Hände, die am Laptop arbeiten, von rechts zeigt eine Frau auf den Bildschirm

© digitalwerk GmbH

Screenshots eines Computerprogramms

© digitalwerk GmbH

eine Gruppe Kinder sitz am Boden, wir sehen sie nur von hinten. Zwei Erwachsene erklären den Kindern ein Kunstwerk

© digitalwerk GmbH

ein Kind mit langen Haaren zeigt auf, es hat eine rote Masche im Haar. Unscharf im Hintergrund eine junge Frau mit dunklen Haaren und weißem Shirt vor einem bunten Kunstwerk

© digitalwerk GmbH

About the project

Based on the Creative Learning courses at mumok, the combination of practical programming, an examination of works of art and participatory media skills training is to be expanded as part of an outreach project. A system for digital participation and the acquisition of practical programming skills will be developed participatively with pupils and teachers from two schools and four classes in free regular courses over the course of two semesters. Additionally to the courses in the schools, we offer accompanying afternoon support courses for interested pupils in the museum.


Aim of the project

In participatory exchange, we are developing a repeatable, hybrid further education framework for adults and children as well as corresponding teaching materials. The free hybrid mumok publication that will be published will serve as information and further education reading for schools and other educational institutions and offer supporting best practice examples for the subject "digital basic education".

This project is made possible thanks to the contribution of Digifonds – Digitalisierungsfonds Arbeit 4.0 der AK Wien